Jason David Frank, best known for playing the Green Ranger on TV, took his own life in a Texas hotel earlier this November after reportedly having an argument with his wife. Known to kids who grew up in the 90’s as a superhero, Jason played Tommy Oliver, an evil power ranger turned good. Kids in the 90’s cheered him on as he fought the evil Rita Repulsa with his fancy karate kicks and morphing powers, but according to his wife, “he was not without his demons.”
For a man who played a superhero on TV, Jason David Frank decided to end his life. It shocked the world. How can a superhero just commit suicide and give up? It’s a daunting fact that we are not as strong as we think. Or are we?
L.A. is one of the worst places to live for people who have mental health issues. It is the fifth worst city for overall mental health scoring 17.5 out of a 100. As the world struggles to find some footing in post pandemic America, investing in better mental health must be part of the solution. There are hotlines, psychologists, and other facilities that can help. For those of us who haven’t crossed the threshold of professional therapy, here are three conceptional ideas that may improve your overall condition.
The human body is composed of three main parts: the spirit, the mind, and the body. All three need to be nurtured and maintained for optimal performance. If one component is neglected, the whole system may malfunction. It’s imperative to maintain balance in all three components as each is co-dependent upon each other.
Many people turn to spirituality when going through a bout of depression. The spirit is the essence of any living creature and in it lies our own true power. Unlike the mind and body, the spirit is eternal, and it is what will transition to the next plain. When nurtured properly, it becomes a beacon for others and a safe house for the possessor.
The world can hurl grief, depression, anxiety, and hate towards us; but, in the spirit lies love, empathy, perseverance, and fortitude. Jesus Christ knew we can draw strength from the spirit. It is the reason why He said we needed to live in the spirit and not in the flesh. So feed the spirit with meditation and prayer; and strengthen it by practicing love and patience. The spirit in turn will be able to endure the pain and grief the world can project.
Outside the spirit lies the mind. Unlike the spirit, the mind is just a tool. It is the most powerful tool a human being can possess. No weapon of mass destruction can ever compare to the weapon of the human mind. It has the ability to destroy and build empires. It can have devastating effects on the world if not nurtured correctly
The mind is the center core of mental health. It must be nurtured towards discipline and discipline takes practice. It takes work. The work is a fight against the ego in which lies anger, depression, anxiety. There’s no use in eliminating these negative feelings completely. It is embedded in our DNA. The trick is to control it. Find a goal and work on it. When negative feelings encroach, go back to the spirit and dwell in it as it will protect you.
Negative feelings are temporary and will subside as you dwell in the spirit. Once the feelings are gone, exercise your brain by working on a positive goal. Treat the goal like a puzzle by breaking down the problem and finding solutions. Every conquered obstacle feeds the brain with serotonin and in turn improves your overall mental state.
If not careful, working on personal goals may lead to anxiety as obstacles arise. In this case, meditation can be helpful. Meditation is a practice that increases calmness, relaxation, and peace of mind. Types of meditation include mental focus on a particular sensation, such as breathing, visual image, or sound. Another form of meditation is mindfulness which is maintaining awareness of the present moment without making judgments. Studies have shown that frequent meditation clears the mind of negative thoughts and improves the overall mental state of the individual.
According to psychologists, listening to our bodies’ needs can increase awareness of our emotions. People can heal their emotional state including anxiety and depression, as our bodies give us hints of what we need. By listening and taking good care of our bodies, we can reach a state of balance and inner harmony.
Stress and anxiety can be caused by not having enough sleep or rest. Having enough rest can brighten our mood and relieve our stresses. Without adequate rest, our bodies will stop functioning well which in turn will affect our mood and emotion. In addition, treating our bodies with exercise and massages would be of great benefit. Consider going to a massage therapist, exercising at a gym, going to a sauna or just taking a walk to clear your head and enjoy the outdoors.
Treating your body right can be beneficial to our mind and spirit. All three are connected and are dependent on each other to live a long and fulfilling life. For those who need immediate help, consider talking to a therapist.
Mental Health – Health Services Los Angeles County (lacounty.gov)
Getting older means discovering the inconvenient truth that our heroes are more human than we thought. Jason David Frank is no exception. Despite his accomplishments, it only took one emotional night to take his own life. There may have been days leading up to the suicide, but it only took one fateful night to finally push him over the edge.
Los Angeles can be a ruthless city. It can chew you up and spit you out if you are not careful. Maybe it’s an audition gone wrong, not being able to make rent, or going through a painful breakup. L.A. is not for the faint of heart. One must persevere in the midst of challenge and be strong in a moment of weakness. In addition, it is important to nurture your spirit, mind, and body anyway you can in this dust land fairytale we call Los Angeles.